
Apical Reforestadora is a leading Panamanian reforestation company established in 2008, developing high quality teak plantations in balance with social and environmental objectives. Apical plantations are located in the Panama and Darién regions and total 4,400 hectares, of which 3,300 are best-in-class teak timberland. In addition, as of today, Apical manages the plantations of Querucs Panama, LLC, a planted area of 1,700 hectares, totalling approximately 5,000ha of planted teak under management. Apical has been certified under the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) since 2012, where it continues to demonstrate its commitment to responsible forest management. The group certificate with Quercus Panama, LLC encompasses the management of total 6,684ha.

Since inception, the plantations have been established on carefully selected soils, using the highest yielding genetics available. Apical has had a constant focus on the development of its clonal material, developing its own modern nursery and producing excellent quality and high yielding cuttings. The company benefits from being part of a larger teak network focused on the clonal program, but also advanced silvicultural regimes, harvesting operations and the trading of teak. Apical Reforestadora is one of the top leading FSC certified teak log producers and exporters in Panama. 

Over the years, Apical has developed a good knowledge and expertise throughout the whole value chain. With its own modern nursery, a large contractor base and with a growing client base, Apical has developed a superior understanding and control of the value adding operations.