
Since 1st of January 2023 Apical Reforestadora assumed the responsibility to manage the plantations of Quercus Panama, LLC.

Currently 100% of the plantation of these two companies are managed according to the FSC principles under a group certificate, where the plantations of Quercus Panama, LLC show as “site” and Apical Reforestadora shows as certificate owner.

Apical has been FSC certified since 2012 and the company guarantees that all of its plantations and logs that are produced meet the highest standards of responsible forest management. Additionally, Apical is a good neighbor; supporting local schools and initiatives, such as La Fundación Pro Niños de Darién, and maintaining public roads.

Apical exceeds the FSC requirement of 10% protected area, through maintaining conservation areas amounting to 23% of its area. Apical is also seeing the plantations as a valuable environmental resource. In addition to the obvious benefits of carbon storage and erosion control, through our wildlife monitoring program, we have observed numerous species of animals living and foraging in the plantations.

Click here to access Apical Reforestadora Forest Management Plan 2024.